Friday, December 5, 2008

Reasons Opposition Leaders Dislike Harper

Politicians make the best fiends... friends!

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This is how I pay for my internet connection and stuff.

Every little click counts!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Slots II - Way of Distraction - The Foil

Other things to do besides Slots

  • Jump out of a plane, preferably with a chute, blindfolded, and with a bunch of whistles glued to your helmet.

  • Use a bench grinder to do your nails.

  • Pet alligators! I mean, like you would pet a dog.

  • Go for a walk in a prison yard, screaming “You're all guilty!” while shaking a wet bar of soap in the air.

  • Introduce dental hygiene to hibernating Grizzly bears.

  • Eat delicious, sun-ripened egg salad sandwiches.

  • Go hunting with Dick Cheney. He needs a new buddy.

  • Walk around an archery club with an apple strapped to your head.

  • Go to an Irish wake and rubber stamp the stiff's forehead with “DEAD MIC”.

Remember, gambling is not really a contributor to the economy as it is a re-distributor of wealth. It's a way to take your money and give it to strangers, with some for community building and excellent port-o-potties, and even some to pay very expensive salaries to executives (don't forget those annual bonuses), and a chunk to a few gamblers who just walked in the door to play for the first time, further making you more frustrated and irritable, if.

I've noticed that the cups they used for the old token system are gone. They were they too expensive apparently. That, and a couple of older folks have accidentally sipped back their tokens. Casinos never show people that run themselves, and their families, into huge debt chasing that one big win, nor do they show the hangers in the bathroom.


They do say, however, to gamble responsibly. Just how do they define responsible?

Do You Stop when:

  1. You have lost the money you budgeted and smile.
  2. You have lost a fair amount of money and lament the losses, and the busted budget.

  3. You have lost a lot of money and you hide it from your partner, and the bank.

  4. You have lost all your money, and your partner, and your dog bites you and then spits it out, and then it dies.

  5. You have lost more money from the recent loan you took out, and Tony doesn't like it much when you are late with your payment. Capiche?

  6. You have lost someone else monies, and that someone is the Seven-Eleven you visited the night before wearing your kids Halloween mask.

  7. It's a trick question. You never stop, that's just the way it works, right? Responsible gambling addicts;never met one!

ps. Click an ad on this page so I can get a penny for my thoughts! Thanx!

Monday, October 27, 2008

How to Win Gambling Without Gambling at the Slots - Part 1

Follow these five simple steps and you to can partially recover some money that otherwise would be wasted on a slot machine!
  1. I give you PayPal account
  2. You give me your PayPal account.

  3. You take the amount of money you spend at the slots each week, and deposit it in my PayPal account.

  4. Every two or three weeks, I will deposit up to half of what you deposited in my account, back into your PayPal account.

  5. Repeat.

I'm happy because I'm supplying a service to the gambling public. You are somewhat happy because you actually get some money back.

Another way to win at gambling without gambling on slots, don't gamble.

You are 100% ahead when you keep your money away from those strangers at casinos. Honestly, do you really feel good if someone you don't even know, gets happy and wealthy off your money? If you have to do something with that cash that involves strangers, buy a homeless guy a meal, or a car, or even better, a house and solve one homeless problem, or see above and ask for my PayPal account.

Other things you could gamble with might include paying for you kids or grand kids education, or see above and ask for my PayPal account. You could take a trip to Japan or China or Hong Kong, or see above and ask for my PayPal account. Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing Japan or China or Hong Kong.

Gambling is a distraction for most people more than anything else. "Slots" are merciless and cold and actual machines. They are not possessed by magic entities that you either piss off resulting in losses, or that you please and they reward you by dropping a pittance in your complimentary coin cup. Many people playing slots think that the machines run hot and cold, or that they improve their chances of winning by sticking with a machine, or that tiny trinkets rubbed on the screen of the machine will evoke the gods of dinaros to consider paying out. Personally, I think tripping and banging your head on a machine will get you the best return, after the casino insurance pays up.

Good plan, eh!

ps. Click an ad on this page so I can get a penny for my thoughts! Thanx!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Listerine vs Mosquitoes

(If Only Mosquitoes Would Rinse)

I have recently read several articles regarding the use of Listerine in the fight against the winged "pest" that shall remain nameless... until the next sentence.

Female mosquitoes, or as I and many three year old's call them, 'skittoes, are the biters of the species! And who among of us doesn't like to be subjected to a bite now and then, here and there, especially there.... Yes! Yes! 'Skittoes are primarily attracted by our exhaust breath ( CO2 ), moisture,
warmth, body odour (BO2...this is my own personal chemistry symbol!).

In most bug sprays, the wonder chemical Deet is a used to fight away the girls. Deet basically F%+$s-up the mosquito's ability to find you. Listerine, on the other hand, will gives mosquitoes minty-fresh bre
athe and help make their buggy social gatherings less awkward. Unless you spray it directly on beasties, or get them to swim in a vat of the stuff, mosquitoes aren't particularly offended by Listerine.

I have a thought! What was it? Oh yah! Menthol, thymol, methyl salicylate, eucalyptol & ethanol are the ingredients of Listerine Gold, the old stuff, without the sugary flavours. All these chemicals are nasty by themselves, but only in huge amounts.

My thought, and for arguments sake, present and future, I am always correct, is this; the chemistry of our (people) exhaust breath may be altered enough by Listerine to eliminate the effects of CO2 as a potent source of attraction for the “bitch”in 'skittoes. Please know that I have yet to see a study that proves or disproves my hypothesis, primarily because I didn't bother to look. But we could put it to a test over a long weekend. Remember, use only the original or Gold Listerine, as that's the one with the most ethanol, and therefore causes the most medical emergency crises, what with the cirrhosis, and the drunkenness, and the death involving real life bumper cars.

Other random thoughts:
  • If we give the male mosquitoes tiny little mints that make their breath smell carbon dioxish, maybe the female biters will go after them instead. This should pretty much eradicate their existence.... totally!
  • Do mosquitoes bite dead things? If they don't, then I suggest we paint big X's on our eye lids, and close them when mosquitoes approach.
  • Wear a cedar or pine wreath around neck, and wreathlets on your wrists and ankles. (Note: Keep a safe distance from campfires and dogs with busy bladders.) I read somewhere that the Voyageurs hung a cedar branch in front of their faces to deter mosquitoes and black flies. It may explain why it took those guys so long to discover this great country, and also the large bumps on their foreheads from walking into trees.
  • Appoint a Designated Mosquito Attractor (DMA). They can sit NAKED ( that's such a fun word to say, less so when typed), and probably intoxicated (ethanol - for itch control) in a smallish plastic swimming pool, at a safe distance far enough away to protect the much more sober crowd than he or she (she gets my vote as DMA). To help attract the little buggers, set up a teeny-tiny bingo in the pool and then watch as those females biters swarm in.
  • Ask the city of Ottawa (or ask your local municipality, it's probably a lot closer) to give you a bottle of whatever the hell it is they put in the sewers to fight the spread of West Nile. If it's safe enough for our sewers then it's probably safe to drink, or rub on, or put it in a lake.
  • Call and invite someone from Chem-lawn to your next outdoor activity. Get a veteran, one who has been spraying pesticides for a few years. We can all hover around him or her when the bugs start a biting. I assume these pest control people are basically inoculated and mosquito-repellent by virtue of over exposure to pesticides.
Facts About Mosquitoes (So I'm Told)
  • Both male and female mosquitoes are nectar feeders. Consider spraying Deet on plants in your flower or vegetable garden.
  • Mosquitoes are estimated to transmit disease to more than 700 million people annually in Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico and much of Asia with millions of resulting deaths. #One- Change your travel plans. #Two- Fund a program that will train the populations of these aforementioned countries in proper mosquitoes swatting technique. #Three- Hire mosquitoes to delivery the mail while they are at it.
  • In Europe, Russia, Greenland, Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and other temperate and developed countries, mosquito bites are now mostly an irritating nuisance, much like bankers, lawyers, and Wal-Mart greeters. They still cause some deaths each year mostly from viruses and bug-smacking injuries.
Controlling the Mosquito
  • Source Reduction- the removal of mosquito breeding habitats. Stop selling beds and sex toys to bugs!
  • Habitat Modification- manipulating habitats to reduce breeding or access. No doors or windows on homes???
  • Bio-control- introducing natural predators of mosquitoes. Cats are great for this, if you can get the 'skittoes to wear Mickey Mouse ears!
  • Larvicide- using pesticides to reduce larval populations. "Run, Larvals, run!"
  • Adulticide- using pesticides to reduce adult populations. Well, I guess that will take care of the mother-in-law, but what about the mosquitoes?
Keep this in mind; females do not require blood for survival, but they do need supplemental substances, like protein and iron, to develop eggs. What we really should consider is mosquito vitamin supplements. You know, some folic acid or something.

I have now lost track and I am now thinking about four eared bunny rabbits.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Easter - Mentions in my Old Emails

To My Son, as a reminder at school:

"This is DAD! Please fill out agenda. Bring home all homework and uncompleted assignments. Capture Easter Bunny and put on key chain. Lucky rabbit's foot-Good...Lucky Rabbit... Great, awkward, but Great.

Designated Driver for Golf Team"

To My Brother and his Family - Easter 2005

Howdy Murdock’s,
The commercialization of yet another great and valued celebration, overshadows the true and pure reason we hold Easter dear to our hearts. The first true long weekend authorized and condoned by our government. As we take time to reflect, we should not forget the greatest sacrifice of all, overtime work by dear chocolate makers.

Anyone notice that white-chocolate bunnies are somewhat outnumbered by the bunnies of colour. And why eggs? I think I’d be more impressed with Easter watermelons. That last comment has nothing has nothing to do with the bunnies of colour, just size... of eggs, I mean!!! But then again, eggs lead to chicken, and chocolate chickens is just weird, and not my idea.

Has anyone ever seen a chocolate Jesus? I figure, it’s his party. The least we could do is make a chocolate Jesus. A big one. A big, chocolate, Jesus. They probably wouldn’t sell very well, especially in the south, like in Georgia or Alabama. Not because of local chocolate intolerance. I was thinking about the general lack of good oral hygiene, or, more bluntly, the general lack of actual teeth. And you would probably never get a redneck to suck on a big chocolate Jesus. A chocolate pig, maybe. A chocolate Ned Beaty, definitely!
Jesus . . . and Deliverance? And watch out this long weekend. Don’t ever take a canoe trip, during Easter, anywhere in the southern US where banjos are legal.

Anyway, hope you all have a great Easter! Eat lots of chocolate, and other stuff, such as ham and chocolate, with potatoes and chocolate. And eat leafy green salad, in honour of bunnies everywhere.

We must remember Jesus’ words as he was fastened to the cross.
“Hey, Hey, Hey! Those are nails! Stop that! Ow! That really hurts! Stop! I don’t have my tetanus shots up to date!
Crap! You missed, you stupid,stupid, Roman goon. I think you broke my hand! You broke my frigging hand! Wait til’ my Dad hears about this!

Okay! Okay! Tell you what. I’ll give back the fish and bread! And... I’ll admit, I wasn’t so much walking on water, as it was skiing behind the boat. Would you believe it was winter, and it was really just a shallow little fish pond? You see, I had all this wine and well, you know what they say,"what do you do with the drunken sailors?", right? I was having fun with them.
C’mon pal. I’ll get you into Heaven free!
How about a nice goat? I have a cousin, John, and he has this herd of goats! A nice herd! He’ll even wash one up for you, maybe put a frilly little dress on it, a little rouge . . . Ow! Jesus! Christ, I just took my own name in vain!
Remember, do as I say not as I do!
Look. I’m sorry. I always mix up Romans and Greeks. I didn’t mean anything with the goat! Will you stop with the nails already?!
If I ever get out this thing, there will be Hell to pay!”

Dennis O:-) Offender of the Gods
Melody, Tolerator of the Dennis
Drew Son of Dad

Kawai Nikkou (Japanese for "Amanda Elena") Murdock

Sarah Power Player
Bluey the Beta fish The One Finned Wonder Fish

Responding to an Invite:

Tiffany wrote:

Are you coming for Easter dinner on the Saturday before Easter Sunday(don't know the date)? RSVP's required. ha ha.



Yes Please!!!! Will there be bunnies?

Dennis et All

Monday, January 21, 2008

What Grade 6 Science Students Are Saying About Uranus!

  • Uranus is sideways. Which makes it unique unless you are looking at Uranus when laying down in bed.

  • Uranus is really blue because of it's methane.

  • Uranus has gas. In fact, Uranus is constantly expelling methane, and producing more to make up for it. Uranus probably smells a lot like methane. This gas make Uranus very flammable. You should not smoke on Uranus, because you might burn Uranus.

  • Uranus has rings around it. Someone counted the rings of Uranus and said it had three. It was in all the papers.

  • Uranus is the only planet called by a Greek name. It was named after a Greek god and men were very afraid of him, and probably some sheep too.

  • Uranus is 51,118 km in diameter. Uranus is huge!

  • A day on Uranus is a few hours shorter than a day on Earth. Time flies when you are spending time on Uranus.

  • Uranus likely has a rocky core, and has been struck with asteroids. Uranus had no preparation for the asteroids.

  • Sir William Herschel discovered Uranus on March 13, 1781, before you were even born.

How to your hands on papers for Uranus.