Sunday, November 9, 2008

Slots II - Way of Distraction - The Foil

Other things to do besides Slots

  • Jump out of a plane, preferably with a chute, blindfolded, and with a bunch of whistles glued to your helmet.

  • Use a bench grinder to do your nails.

  • Pet alligators! I mean, like you would pet a dog.

  • Go for a walk in a prison yard, screaming “You're all guilty!” while shaking a wet bar of soap in the air.

  • Introduce dental hygiene to hibernating Grizzly bears.

  • Eat delicious, sun-ripened egg salad sandwiches.

  • Go hunting with Dick Cheney. He needs a new buddy.

  • Walk around an archery club with an apple strapped to your head.

  • Go to an Irish wake and rubber stamp the stiff's forehead with “DEAD MIC”.

Remember, gambling is not really a contributor to the economy as it is a re-distributor of wealth. It's a way to take your money and give it to strangers, with some for community building and excellent port-o-potties, and even some to pay very expensive salaries to executives (don't forget those annual bonuses), and a chunk to a few gamblers who just walked in the door to play for the first time, further making you more frustrated and irritable, if.

I've noticed that the cups they used for the old token system are gone. They were they too expensive apparently. That, and a couple of older folks have accidentally sipped back their tokens. Casinos never show people that run themselves, and their families, into huge debt chasing that one big win, nor do they show the hangers in the bathroom.


They do say, however, to gamble responsibly. Just how do they define responsible?

Do You Stop when:

  1. You have lost the money you budgeted and smile.
  2. You have lost a fair amount of money and lament the losses, and the busted budget.

  3. You have lost a lot of money and you hide it from your partner, and the bank.

  4. You have lost all your money, and your partner, and your dog bites you and then spits it out, and then it dies.

  5. You have lost more money from the recent loan you took out, and Tony doesn't like it much when you are late with your payment. Capiche?

  6. You have lost someone else monies, and that someone is the Seven-Eleven you visited the night before wearing your kids Halloween mask.

  7. It's a trick question. You never stop, that's just the way it works, right? Responsible gambling addicts;never met one!

ps. Click an ad on this page so I can get a penny for my thoughts! Thanx!

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