Tale of Customer Service Rep #1
So my Wife calls Bell and....
Melody: We overpaid on this account to eliminate teeny tiny invoices every month, and that line service is no longer needed, we would like our money back.
Bell: Is that your phone line?
Melody: No, but the billing is under our name for that service.
Bell: That's impossible!You can't do that! It's not your line!
Melody: Yes, we have! And yes, you send us the bill to our address. Would you like the info of the statement?, and of course, they did.
Bell: I can't let you do that. Let me get my supervisor!"
Hmph! A dweebie Bell customer service representative. How odd!
While Melody was waiting for the "Super-visor"...
- Elevator music
- Bell Ad
- Platitudes regarding how important our business is to them
- Big brother message about the call being monitored for QC
- Rinse and repeat......
Supervisor: I'm sorry. You do not own this number and we cannot therefore authorize a credit.
Melody: The statement is in our name and you sent it to us.
Supervisor: I'm sorry. That must have been a mistake. I cannot authorize any action on the account unless it is from the owner of the number.
A series of but-buts ensue that carry on for a bit... but, to no avail. Unfortunately she was unable to get the name of the supervisor. The old quick disconnect trick.
Total time spent on phone with Bell- 30Min (approx.)
Tale of Customer Service Rep #2
I get home to hear my flustered wife's story. So I take a run at them too.
Dennis: Hi. I need a refund for a canceled service.
Bell: What is your account number from the invoice?
Dennis: Yada yada yada info.
Bell: Just a moment.
- Elevator mus... He's back!
Bell: Thank you for your patience! I need a few more minutes to calculate any outstanding charges so we can issue the balance as a refund.
Dennis: Go for it!
- Elevator music
- Bell Ad
- Platitudes regard.... He's Back!!
Bell: Would you like that credited to your home phone line account, or would you like us to issue a cheque?
Dennis: Whatever is fastest, and simplest.
Bell: Why don't I send you one last bill for the M-T-D (Month to Date) charges and send you a cheque for what we show as a credit balance as of the last statement on record.
Dennis: Sounds wonderful!
Bell: I still have a few details to clear. Would you like to hold or would you like me to call you back?
Dennis: Call me back! But, could I get your name first, just in case something goes wrong.
Bell: I'll give you my employee number. xxxxxxxx. Thank you for your patience!
Dennis: OK! I'll wait for your call.
- Hang up. Two minutes later!
Bell: Hi. It's all taken care of. However, I must tell you that it may take 4 to 6 weeks before you get the cheque.Wow! That was great! I decide not to count my money before the cheque arrives.
Dennis: That's ok! Funny, though! Bell wants me to pay my bill within 25 days of the statement date, yet, they take 4 to 6 weeks to send me my own money.
Bell: I apologize for that. I'm not sure there is much I can do about it.
Dennis: Sorry. I was just pointing out the difference.
Total time spent on phone with Bell - 12 Min (approx.)
So, how did this end?
Two weeks later we receive our cheque.
I guess it does depend on who you talk to when you want good service.
It's just the luck of the draw when you do get good service.
Too bad!
Very funny, I think I would have killed the first guy.